Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To Teach or not to Teach

So the baby woke up at 4:30, so I fed her and she went back to sleep, but I didn't. I've been thinking of starting a journal/blog, so I decided to write down what I was thinking instead of lying awake. Do I really want to be a teacher? Is this brain that I invested so much money in only worth 30K a year? Do I only want to be a teacher because I think it's a good career for a Mom? Do I even want a career at all? I sometimes feel like there is pressure to work from my husband, but he says he supports whatever I want to do. Does it set a poor example for my daughter to not work. I have no question that I am capable of being an engineer again, and I think I could be a very good teacher, but I don't really want the abuse and behavior problems. I only want to teach kids who want to learn. I really do think that in 10 or 20 years, all classes could be taught remotely. That would be a really good avenue for me. I could write lesson plans and teach from home. I enjoy tutoring and watching children learn, but could that need be fulfilled just as easily from my own children? Sometimes I do feel that my brain is turning mushy because of all of the baby talk and lack of mental stimulation. Another good reason to blog. I'd like to post about all kinds of topics, so it might be fun to see if anyone reads it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Obviously my thoughts on these questions are going to be very different from yours, but I have been kind of going through some of the same stuff, deciding what job to take. It is really hard to put career aspirations aside and decide to have a kid. I'm trying to figure out how I can be as successful and smart as you and Marin before I quit and have kids. I think just getting a degree in Aerospace Engineering is a life accomplishment. You worked at ATK and I am really amazed at what you have done. Your degree isn't collecting dust, you gained knowledge and got a job with a great company. I don't think you should rush into going back to work. Even if you decided to go back to work when your last kid starts kindergarten I don't think anyone or you should think any less of yourself. Who knows what things you might want to be involved in then, maybe you could be a tutor type person, which I think you would be great at. You were so great helping me with my homework all the time. I agree that the discipline of a classroom would be really hard, but maybe with some private schools you could have a small enough classroom with students who are excited to learn. I think being an online teacher would work, but you would be so great in person. I think it would be really hard to work while Zia is small, I would miss the little moments of here growing up. When they have to go to school its different, but she is just so cute right now. Maybe to enhance our brains we should start a kind of book club and read the same book and then talk about it so our brains aren't mushy. Love you, Faroe